Welcome to the Road Trauma Awareness Seminar booking process

The following information will guide you through making your Road Trauma Awareness Seminar booking.

Before you make your booking you will need:

1. Access to a computer and printer or phone with email capability

A printer is required if you would like to print your booking confirmation letter. Alternatively, you may show a copy of the letter on your phone upon seminar entry.

2. A card with $350 available

If you do not have a credit/debit card, you may purchase a credit/debit card at newsagents, supermarkets, major department stores or at the post office.

3. Your driver’s licence or licence number

Please note that your driver’s licence number does not change even if it has been surrendered to the court. Your licence number can be obtained by contacting VicRoads.

4. Your summons, charge sheet or court order (if attending the seminar is offence related)

You will need to know the region of the court, the date ordered, and the date you need to complete by. You will also need to list of current traffic offences you have been charged with.

Or your solicitors or case worker contact details

If you have been referred by a solicitor or community corrections case worker, you must list their name.

You’re now ready to make your booking.

All mandatory fields must be completed to progress with your booking.

Please allow 15 minutes to complete your booking.

If you have been charged with dangerous or recklessly causing serious injury, culpable driving causing death and/or road rage, this seminar may not be suitable for you. Please call us, and we can help you determine if this is the right program for you.

If you have difficulty understanding, writing and/or speaking English, you will need to organise a professional translator to attend the seminar with you. Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) – 131 450 is a 24/7 phone interpreting service that may help you.

If you have trouble completing the booking or are unable to access a computer or phone, please call us on 1300 367 797. Note: telephone bookings are accepted; however, they attract a $50 administration fee.

Please read our attendance, cancellation and transfer policies by visiting the Terms and Conditions page.

The program is delivered in selected venues across Victoria by skilled facilitators who provide a safe, inclusive, and non-judgmental environment for participants and provide empowering tools to assist in making safer choices.

Our volunteer speakers share their unique lived experiences during the seminar, inspiring participants to understand the true and impactful reality of road trauma.

Online seminars are only available to participants under special circumstances. Please call us for further information on 1300 367 797

The program will be delivered using web conferencing through the application Zoom. To participate in group sessions using web conferencing, participants will need to have access to either a laptop, desktop computer or tablet and be on camera. You will need to have the application Zoom downloaded on your device.